Covid-19 Precautions
You must wear a mask or face covering above the nose during the duration of the visit. Please feel free to bring your own mask or face covering. We also have a limited supply of medical masks available if you do not have your own.
If you have a medical reason to not wear a mask, you will be required to have appointments via telemedicine
Our offices and waiting room will be set up to allow for social distancing, and you must ensure that you maintain at least 6 feet of distance while inside the clinic.
You must sanitize your hands with provided alcohol sanitizer before and after each visit.
You will be screened for Covid symptoms prior to each visit. If you have had any recent symptoms (such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue), we will require you to have a telemedicine visit.
We strongly encourage all patients to receive the Covid-19 vaccine when it is available to your demographic group. Please check the Pima County Health Department website for info on when and where to get the vaccine: Pima County Health Department Covid Info